Thursday, April 20, 2006

Things Are Exploding Around Here (In A Good Way)

Henry is having a learning explosion. The child who was once my little barnacle of a baby is turning rapidly into an independent 5 year-old. Here is what he has done in the last three weeks:

Learned to ride his bike without training wheels (by his request)

Learned to (finally!) put his seatbelt on by himself (which is not easy with the armrest of his booster seat)

Learned to get things out of the oven and microwave with mitts (as mentioned in my last post)

Began learning to read (again, by his request)

Learned to get himself COMPLETELY dressed

Henry is also obssessed with learning Spanish and French, so we sing the French ABC's A LOT and look at our language picture dictionaries. It is hard to believe how quickly he is growing and changing.

He mastered the digital camera some time ago, but now wants to move on to the video camera (I am sure that is because of his sisters).

He has also begun setting and clearing the table, getting his own snacks, and cleaning up his toys without being asked !

Now if the kid will just learn to wipe himself....


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