Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Sweet Boys

My life used to be hard. Two crazy boys. Hitting, fighting, testing, etc. That's why I started this blog. It was a way for me to vent. I needed an outlet.

But I am just NEVER here (meaning in my blog) anymore. Life has just gotten so good lately, almost too good to blog about. I'll be damned if my two little guys (my crazy, hyper, destructive little guys) are not just the sweetest little buggers lately. Obviously we have our bad moments, too, but everything is mostly gravy.

Two examples:

Quinn is obsessed wth saying, "I wuv you mo-ohm." Like fifity times a day. Do you hear my heart melting?

Henry got Quinn dinner tonight. Here is what happened:

I put a waffle in the toaster for Quinn, but then smelled that he had a dirty diaper. I took Quinn to change his diaper, and then I brought him back to the kitchen. And here is what I saw ....

Henry had scooted a chair over to the toaster, put on my oven mitts, and was very gingerly removing the waffle from the oven. He then went to the cabinets, selected a plate, put the waffle on it, and put in on the table for Quinn. ALL without being asked. Whoah.

I feel like I have hit cruise control until we hit the teens. Then I am pretty sure that the shit will hit the fan!


At 10:15 AM, Blogger MamaChristy said...

Awwww! Sweet boys, indeed.


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