Monday, November 28, 2005

The Weird Things About My Kids That Make Me Love Them Most

Here's a short list of some of the crazy things about my little guys that always make me smile:

Henry will be 5 in January and cannot blow his nose. Not "won't" -- can't. This completely freaks me out. I spent half an hour the other night trying to teach him how to do it by making him blow out a candle with his nose. That completely freaked HIM out.

Quinn is 2 and CAN blow his nose. He kept coming up and showing off by blowing out the candle with his nose. That did not make Henry happy, not one bit.

Quinn knew how to ride a bike, albeit with training wheels, by his second birthday.

Quinn has a larger vocabulary than half of the six year-olds I know. He always speaks in whole sentences, prompting strangers who hear him to ask, "He's HOW old again?" Especially if he is riding his bike past them.

Henry knows what every street sign means, thanks to about three weeks of very thorough questioning, such as, "Mom, what does it mean if a sign has a U and a red circle around it with a line through it?" Now he announces each sign as he sees them in the car. Oh, my, God, are there a LOT of signs! Just ask Henry.

Henry is most fascinated with signs that are of the "No" variety, meaning they contain that red circle and line. We have discovered recently that these can be found EVERYWHERE, such as on vehicles (no babies allowed in the seat with the airbag), sidewalks (no bicycles allowed), and even at Whole Foods as we discovered yesterday. They have a horse with a red line through it on the food bar -- "no grazing." That one took me a few minutes to explain.

Quinn has the whitest skin I have ever seen. If I lose sight of him at the park, I just look for the kid who glows. He is starting to freckle, which will be good since it will give the illusion that he has pigment.

Henry has green eyes. Quinn has blue eyes. My husband and I both have brown eyes. Does anyone else think that that whole "Punnett Square" thing they taught us in high school biology was a crock of shit?

Henry loves to dance. Most of his coolest moves involve him simultaneously wiggling his hips, fingers, tongue (yes, tongue) and also rolling his eyes.

Quinn shares Henry's love of the dance, but his moves usually involve stomping, jumping, turning around with his arms above his head, and, unfortunately, tend to incorporate his tongue as well.

Those little guys are the best!


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