Monday, November 21, 2005

Music to my ears -- Top 5 list #2

Okay, I know this is practically blasphemous in today's parenting world, but my husband and I are against kiddie music. That's right, we don't own one single Elmo CD or Best of Sesame Street Remix. No Wiggles, no Winnie the Pooh, no Barney,... you get the idea. Now this is not because we are cheap, nor is it because we are against kids getting to do kid things. Henry and Quinn get plenty of jam time to those tunes when they are watching those shows on TV.

So what's my reason? Well besides the fact that all of that music grates on my nerves worse than being at a Gymboree party with a bad hangover, I really want my kids to appreciate music, as in all music. Well, maybe not 50-cent, but the other stuff. You know, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Madonna, Fiona Apple, Dave Brubeck, Miles Davis, No Doubt, Fat Boy Slim, Moby, Scissor Sisters, Three-Dog Night,... I could go on and on, but I will stop. So this Top Five list is dedicated to my children, two boys who I hope will grow up to be musically well-rounded and actually know not only who Ringo Starr was, but know who Debby Harry and Missy Elliott were, too. And Ornette Coleman. And Bono. Okay, I'll really stop now.

Top Five Most Requested Songs In Our Car

5. "Tick Tock." This is Gwen Stefani's song "What you Waitin' For?" Good beat, fun lyrics, no problemo.

4. "Toxic." Okay, it's Britney. The girl may not have the most inventive beats or original lyrics, but sometimes you just gotta have a little top 40 in your life. Plus I have two young stepdaughters (best stepdaughters on the planet, but more about them later) who heavily influenced some of our ITunes downloads, so some of these types of songs made it in. Eh, who am I kidding, I like them, too. I just use the girls as an excuse so I don't seem so lame.

3. "Big Butts." This is where the list gets a little dicey. It's "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix A Lot. This got on the list thanks to my twelve year old stepdaughter Carrie. Anyways, while there is something a little disturbing about a four-year old asking if he can hear big butts, I am counting on two things -- (a) that his preschool teacher will never be in the car with us and know what he is listening to, and (b) that he just likes the beat of the song and doesn't actually hear the part that says "My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hon!" Or at least that he doesn't know what those lyrics mean. Plus I do like that the song promotes a healthy attitude toward curvy women, right?...Right? What's being a parent without a little rationalization here and there?

2. "Walrus." As in, "I am the Walrus" by The Beatles. Actual conversation between my nine year-old stepdaughter Ally and my four year-old Henry:

Ally: I don't like this song.

Henry: I do.

Ally: It doesn't make any sense.

Henry: Yes it does. It's funny!

1. And the number 1 requested song lately is... "Rock and Roll." What song is this? Haven't got a clue. But Henry apparently loves it and is convinced that we have it on some playlist somewhere and that his bird-brain of a mother has just lost it somehow. I have tried multiple songs that I thought might be this so-called "Rock and Roll." We have gone through U2, White Stripes, Modest Mouse, The Beatles, The Buggles, and a few more. And I've got nada. But I still have Big Butts. "Give me a sistah I can't resistah. Red beans and rice didn't miss her." Gotta love it.


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