Monday, November 14, 2005

Is that a sandbox in your shoe or are you just happy to see me?

This is what I think happens at my two boys' pre-schools shortly before pick-up:

TEACHER: "Okay, children, your mommies and daddies will be here any moment. You know the drill -- everyone take off your shoes!"

CHILDREN: "Yes, teacher!" Then there is the deafening sound of twenty little strips of velcro being undone simultaneously.

TEACHER: "One scoop per shoe for everyone!" Teacher then takes a shovel, a large bucket of sand and proceeds to pour a scoop of sand into each and every shoe. "Now put them back on and remember, if you are not two inches taller, then there is not enough sand in there! And remember, this is our little secret. If you tell your mommy and daddy, then the sandbox fairy will come and take all of your toys!"

Children then go home, arrive at front door of house, take shoes off and proceed to dump what must be two pounds of sand onto the front porch.


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