Monday, November 28, 2005

A Haircut, A Weirdo And A Tiger

So I took the boys for haircuts today. It is the cutest darn thing to do with them. They love getting haircuts, so they are always given compliments by all the guys at the barber shop for being so good. The only bad part is having to wait for our turn. Today was one of the more intersting waiting room experiences.

The boys had the basket of toys out and were playing really well when a mid-40's mullet hair kind of guy came in and sat across from us. Is there any normal person out there with a mullet? It seems to me that that hairdo is the Red Flag of Weirdo World. So I guess I should have seen it coming.

The guy picked up a National Geographic and began reading. Cool, I thought, Mullet Guy knows how to read. This must make him Mayor of Mullet Town, or at least a councilman. He didn't even smell bad, which is also rare for a wearer of the "business in the front, party in the back" type of hairstyle. So I thought everything was aces.

So Mullet Guy was reading his educational magazine when he said to the boys, "Hey, you guys wanna see something cool?" I was thinking that if it was in National Geographic then it certainly must be cool, so I played along, like a fool. I said, "Hey guys, Mullet Guy has something cool to show you. Let's look!" So we looked. The pictures were of a very angry tiger pouncing on the leg of a photographer. No gory details in the photos. But Mullet Guy provided the gory details given in the article, since, again, he did appear to be literate. He explained that the article said that the tiger "mauled the camera guy." Nice, buddy. Real nice. He then went into details about what "mauling" meant that I don't particularly want to repeat right now. But let's just say that my boys are forever changed and no longer think tigers are cute. Great. Quinn was already terrified of owls (I have no idea why), so thanks, Mullet Guy, for adding one more animal to our "Things I Wake Up Screaming About In The Middle Of The Night" list. I owe you a haircut.


At 7:48 AM, Blogger MamaChristy said...

The matriarch of the Duggar family has a mullet. Perhaps your mullet generalization isn't off-base...


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