Monday, February 06, 2006

Why Working Rocks

Why Working Rocks:

I am so glad that I stayed home for five years with my children. You know why? Because now I realize just how easy working is!!! Sure, teaching high school involve tons of paperwork and grading and lots of time trying to figure out the best way to communicate with and motivate a group of rebellious teens. BUT I still say it is far easier than spending all day with two little active boys. AND the best part is that my kids seem much cuter now! Something about not spending EVERY waking moment of every day with two whipper-snappers who are great BUT whine and hit and destroy and ask 20,000 questions ALL DAY LONG makes them much more tolerable. Even adorable. Not that they can't still make me lose my mind, but I can take a lot more whining and crying before I get to that point. I think after five years at home I just could no longer "see the forest for the trees." Of course, in that analogy, Henry and Quinn would be the forest and all of the whining and such would be the trees, but it seems H and Q make better trees than a forest, so maybe I should say that I couldn't see the trees for the forest. Is this making sense to anyone besides me? If not, here is the bottom line: Working makes me appreciate my kiddos so much more, and my kiddos make me appreciate working so much more. Yin and Yang.


At 1:16 PM, Blogger Piece of Work said...

It is so funny that you wrote this post today. I was just thinking how much I LONG to go back to work, because my two are really getting on my nerves. I've been home 3 years, and I'll probably stay home a few more, though, so I shouldn't start getting all excited. But today, work sounds AWESOME to me.
Also, another friend of mine who has been a mom for the last few years, just went back to work, and she sent me an emailing saying the same thing as your post. That working makes her appreciate her kids that much more, AND that it's much easier than staying home.

Guess there's just something in the air today!

At 5:10 PM, Blogger Amy said...

Oh good! I figured if anyone commented, it would be along the lines of, "You crappy mom! How can you say that being at work is better than being with your kids? 24 hours a day of children should be a joy to your heart!" So I am glad I am not the only one!


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